Friday, April 22, 2016

O is for Owning It

O is for Owning it. Owning what? You may ask. You must own whatever it is that makes you unique. Are you a freak? Let your flag fly. Are you a geek? Geek is the new sexy. Are you a nerd? Nerds drive technological progress. (Just ask Bill Gates. Remember Steve Jobs?) If it’s your “thing”, do it. Life is too short and fraught with hardships. Do the thing that thrills you. Allow yourself to excel at the thing that gives your heart wings.
I have always been a writer. As a young child I made up stories and journaled. In school, I loved essay questions and book reports. I said I always wanted to be a writer, when in fact, I was a writer. Life and work and making a living all got in the way. For many years I was a writer who didn’t write. Then there was the devastating loss of a career and subsequent period of unemployment. My wonderful husband said, “You need to write.” I had several stops and starts along the way but I was writing. Now I am an author. I have published one novel and am currently working on the second book in a series. I am owning it.
Whatever makes you happy, do. If your passion is cataloging insects or baking bread, do it.  Do not deny who God made you to be for the sake of a job or the status quo. Dye your hair, get that tat, or not. Do not waste decades doing what you think you should or being what others think you should be. Realize your potential and own it. O is for Owning it. #atozchallenge

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