Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Ladies Night

2nd Place Winner Arkansas Writer's Conference 2019

     Karen looked over her itinerary while cradling the phone against her ear. “Yes, Blanch. There are five ladies coming this afternoon. They’ll be here any minute. What do you mean you aren’t coming? I’m not a life coach. I’m just a secretary.” Karen pinched the bridge of her nose. “I’ve never taken lead at a team building before. Well, thank you for the vote of confidence but why aren’t you going to be here again? Yes, I have the table all laid out. It looks great. But wait. Are you sure? Okay, but what if...Blanch? Are you there?” She sighed loudly. They aren’t going to like me. They’ll know I’m not really a life coach. They’ll all demand their money back and I’ll get fired! Karen struggled to get her imagination under control. “Deep breath. You can do this Karen,” she whispered to herself.

     She turned toward the door to find an older lady dressed entirely in pink standing just behind her. “Oh. I’m sorry. I didn’t hear the door.” Karen extended her hand.

     “I didn’t use the door.” The woman looked around distastefully, waving off the offered handshake with a pink-gloved hand.

     A little confused, Karen nervously arranged the napkins while the lady in pink positioned herself at the head of the table. Two young women strode through the door. A tall redhead dressed in shades of green with flowers in her hair headed straight to the planter boxes where large ferns spilled out reaching for the sun. The pretty blonde snagged a cookie from the table and hopped up to sit on the window sill. She moved with feline grace in her tight black pants and leather jacket. Karen smiled widely, about to introduce herself when the door slammed against the wall as it was kicked open.

     “Hello, girls.” A petite young woman dressed in brightly colored tights and a very short skirt sauntered in carrying a baseball bat. There were streaks of pink and blue in her platinum hair. 

     “I can take that for you if you’d like.” Karen offered, reaching for the bat. “We didn’t plan for baseball, but there are several great activities this weekend.

     “Okay.” The colorful nymph surrendered the bat, popping her gum in spectacular fashion.

     Karen leaned in closer. “Your mascara is a little smudged.”

     The girl leaned in closer still. “I like it that way,” she whispered.

     Karen plastered on her best smile. “Oh of course. We are all about choices here. Everyone should have their own personal style.” She glanced at her itinerary again. “We have just one more …” She trailed off as she noticed the elegant Asian woman, dressed all in gray, leaning in the corner. “Oh. Didn’t see you there.”

     “I’m glad everyone made it here. Welcome to Garden Lodge. My name is Karen and I’ll be your guide on this fun and hopefully transformative weekend. We have some wonderful activities planned. You are just going to love it. Now we can begin with introductions. Just tell your name, a little about yourself and what you hope to get out of this retreat.” After a long awkward silence, Karen continued. “I’ll start us off. My name is Karen P., and believe it or not this is my first time to lead a team building retreat. I enjoy cooking and scrapbooking. This weekend I hope to make some lasting friendships. Now, who’s next?”

     “I’ll go.” The colorful nymph spoke up. “My name is Harley Q. I like long walks on the beach and creating mayhem with my Pooky. He’s quite the joker. I wanted to get out of this retreat all together but it is court appointed so, here I am.”

     “And what would you like to accomplish this weekend?” Karen chimed.

     “My shrink thinks I need to learn to bond with other women. I just want to get through this thing without killing anyone. The Doc was really adamant about that. You know, the not killing part.” She blew a big purple bubble and popped her gum loudly.

     Karen swallowed hard. “Ooookay, who’s next?” Her gaze landed on the older lady in pink.

     “I am Dolores U., formerly headmistress at Hogwarts School.” She spoke with a squeaky British accent. “I am an educator and strict disciplinarian. For instance, that gum smacking would not be tolerated if I were in charge.”

     “Good thing you ain’t in charge then.” The cute blonde sitting in the window sill spoke up. Harley laughed, popping her gum in a machine gun fashion.

     Dolores cleared her throat and continued. “I like a good strong spot of tea, all shades of pink, and kittens. I don’t care for cats but I do adore the little ones.”

     The redhead in the back of the room sniggered. “If she likes kittens, what does she do with them when they grow up?”

     The blonde perched in the window bounded soundlessly to the floor. “What’s wrong with cats? I like cats, little and big ones.” Dolores shot her a nasty look.

     Karen stepped up to diffuse the situation.  She turned to the blonde. “What can you tell us about yourself?”

     The blonde turned dismissively from the older woman. “My name is Selina K. I’m here because Ivy thought it would be fun. I like fun.” She raised an eyebrow at her friend. “Better be fun.”

     “And what do you do?” Karen tried to keep the conversation going.

     Selina chuckled. “I’m in acquisitions. I like to acquire pretty things.”

     “And you?” Karen addressed the redhead.

     “My name is Ivy,” she stated dreamily. “I like plants.” She turned from the group to gently stroke the fronds of the fern.

     “So we have Harley, Dolores, Selina, and Ivy.” Karen gripped the back of a chair so the ladies would not see her nervousness. She looked to the silent woman in the corner. “Would you like to introduce yourself?” 

     “I am Talia A., daughter of the Demon Head and leader of the League of Assassins. I am here to hone my social skills.”

     “That’s just wonderful.” Karen gushed. “Now you ladies get acquainted. Help yourself to the buffet. There are mimosas! I’m just going to pop back to the kitchen and make sure everything is ship shape.” Karen pushed through the swinging doors, stumbled past the kitchen staff, and scurried to the storage closet. She fumbled with her phone. “Blanch!” She whispered vehemently. “Voicemail? Pick up, Blanch. I don’t think arts and crafts are going to cut it with these ladies. Call me back!” Karen hissed.

     After their meal Karen showed the ladies around the lodge. “This is where we’ll be sleeping.” She opened the door to a large bedroom with six twin beds. It was nicely appointed with dressers and comfy chairs. The potted plants around the room made it homey and elegant.

     “You expect us to all sleep in the same room?” Dolores’ tone was caustic.

     “Aww, come on Pinky D.” Harley performed a perfect handstand. “It’ll be just like summer camp.” She somersaulted across the room landing with a thump. Ivy applauded. Harley took a bow.

     “Now Dolores,” Karen interjected. “This event is about team building and making connections. That’s why we all stay together. We’ll do everything as a team. Earlier I don’t believe you had a chance to tell us what you hope to get from this weekend. Why did you choose this retreat?”

     Dolores looked embarrassed. All eyes turned to her. Her face glowed the same color as her bright pink jacket. “I had a Groupon.” There was a moment of silence before the chuckling started. Selina laughed out loud. Even the stoic Talia cracked a smile. Dolores was unapologetic. “I like Groupon.”

     After the ensuing laughter subsided Karen remarked. “I love Groupon. And I’m so happy to know that our promotion paid off.”  She continued with the tour. “The dining room is where we’ll have our meetings. There’s a solarium. I just call it a screened porch.” She laughed nervously. “There’s also a hiking trail on the property. It goes through the trees back to an abandoned quarry. That’s a nice place to walk but I don’t recommend swimming there. It’s quite deep and I believe unsafe.”

     “I knew this area looked familiar. I’ve been to that quarry with Pooky. It’s a good place to dump a bod…” Harley hesitated. “There may be stuff in the water. Well, there’s definitely stuff in the water,” she cackled.

     Karen cleared her throat. “After we get our things squared away, I have a surprise for you.” Half an hour later, Karen had the ladies loaded into a van. The driver delivered them to their destination.

     As they exited the van Talia remarked. “This is your surprise? An escape room? You honestly don’t have any idea who we are.” She shook her head at Karen.

     They were escorted into a large room with gothic furniture and floor to ceiling bookshelves. Karen rubbed her hands together. “This is going to be so much fun! Once they lock the door, we have just ninety minutes to find the clues to our escape. We must work as a team to accomplish our goal. There are clues throughout the room. We can start by looking through all the books for clues.”

     Harley opened her sequined purse. “I have a little Semtex right here. I can blow that door with no problem.”

     “I don’t like being locked up.” Selina pulled a bobby pin from her hair. “I’ll pick that lock easily.”

     “For heaven’s sake!” Dolores exclaimed. “This is a ridiculous task.” She pulled a slender stick from her sleeve and waved it at the door. “Alohamorah.” The door swung open.

     The attendant, a pimply faced teen, stood awestruck with a bag of Cheetos in one hand and a Mountain Dew in the other. “Three minutes! That’s gotta be a record.” He peered into the room as the ladies filed out. “It usually takes at least twenty minutes to find the porcelain cat with the key inside.” Ivy ran her long fingers along his collar giving him a gentle shove into the room.

     Selina nudged the door closed. “I wonder if he means this porcelain cat.” She held a blue and white statue up to the light. She gave the feline figurine a gentle shake. Something rattled inside. “Guess so.”

     “Hello? It locks from that side,” the attendant called out.

     “Should we…” Karen took a step toward the door.

     “He’ll be fine.” Talia took her by the elbow and guided her to the van. 

     Harley skipped past the van and ran into the darkness. “See ya later bitches!” she called over her shoulder.

     “Wait!” Karen called out. “We should really stay together.” There was no reply from the darkness. She shrugged and climbed into the van with the rest of her charges. Now I’ve lost a participant. I am so fired. Karen sighed loudly and slumped in her seat. “I haven’t been totally honest with you ladies,” she confessed. “I am not a life coach. I’m only a secretary. The escape room was supposed to take much longer and I’m pretty sure this group is not interested in macramé.” Her words tumbled out.

     The usually silent Talia spoke up. “You aren’t equipped to handle this group.”

     “I know. I know.” Karen moaned.

     Ivy giggled. “No one is.”

     Talia continued. “Look Karen. I really am the leader of the League of Assassins. Dolores is a wand-waving witch. Selina is a world class cat-burglar, and I say that with admiration; and Harley is certified crazy.”

     “Her boyfriend is homicidal psycho, the Joker.” Selina interjected. 

     Karen raised her head and glanced around at the women. “And Ivy?”

     “They call me Poison Ivy. I like plants.” Ivy smiled, looking out the window.

     “Ivy is something else altogether.” Selina stretched in her seat.

     Karen took a deep breath. “There’s an actual League of Assassins?” She looked from Talia to Selina. “Acquisitions. Funny, you know since you … but world class is, well,” she trailed off in a daze. After a moment Karen leaned over the seat to say a few words to the driver before turning back to her group. “Liquor store?”

     Harley parked the stolen motorcycle in front of the lodge. She could hear raucous laughter coming from the dining room. Upon entering, she saw Karen sitting on a table as Ivy wove flowers into her hair. She watched Karen take a long drink from a bottle of bourbon, then hand it to Talia. Harley shouted, “Dang girls! What did I miss?”

     Karen waved. “Harley, you’re back. Look what Ivy did.” She pointed to the back of the room filled with flowers. “I didn’t even know those ferns bloomed.” Then she noted in horror the red stains on Harley’s white t-shirt. “You promised you weren’t going to kill anyone.” Her speech slurred. “Harrely, you didn’t. Did you?”

     Harley glanced at her shirt. “Oh no, no, no. I didn’t. Promised the Doc, you know. Don’t look at me like that,” she giggled. “I had a jelly doughnut. A girl needs a snack, ya know.”

     “And did you bring enough for everyone?” Dolores chirped, daintily sipping gin from a teacup.

     Harley rolled her eyes. “No!”

     The collected ladies glared at her. Selina reached for the dagger in her boot. Talia’s hand went to the sword concealed in her long gray sweater. Harley threw up her hands. “Well, I don’t know who’s doing carbs.”

     “Ooooh.” The ladies nodded in unison.

     “Yep. Makes sense.” Karen agreed. She breathed a sigh of relief.

     “Today is not a cheat day.” Selina purred.

     Talia shrugged. “I’m doing keto anyway.”

     Karen laid her head on the table, giggling. “I like doughnuts.”

     Sunlight filtered through the wall of foliage creeping over the windows. Karen awoke with a start. “Ow.” She moaned softly, cradling her head in her hands. “Never drink again.” As her feet hit the floor she noted the unsettling silence. She blinked to focus. The pounding in her skull made it difficult. On the bedside table was a bottle of water and a stack of papers. After downing half the bottle, she read the note on top.

Dear Karen,

We all agreed that one day was all the team building we needed. (As evidence, we all agreed.) You showed us a good time and we got through the night without any bloodshed. Here are the evaluations for the event. We each gave you a great review.

With fondness,

Dolores Umbridge

Talia Al Ghul

Harley Quinn

Selina Kyle


P.S. Ivy says the “botanicals” she put in your water will help with the hangover and should kick in quickly.

     Karen grinned as her head swam and knees buckled. I gotta find a new job.

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